Meditation Apps – How They Can Help Men in 2022!
Meditation is growing in popularity in 2022, but many men are still feeling the stigma of meditating in a male-dominated society. Some men feel that it is ‘unmanly.’
Luckily, several apps on your phone can help you get started with meditation. These applications are all free, and convenient because your phone can be with you at all times.
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Is Meditation Only For Women?
Many men still feel that meditation is only for women. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. Science has backed up all of the positive effects that it provides can have on your life. According to recent studies, practicing mindfulness regularly has been shown to improve memory, focus, sleep quality, and creativity (1). The key is consistency. Remember that patience is key when it comes to making it a habit.
Why Is It So Good?
Meditation has been shown to have a long list of positive effects for men who practice it. It can help with stress, anxiety, pain, and sleep problems. The meditation app Headspace claims that practicing just three hours a week can bring about these benefits:
- 50% reduction in insomnia
- Decreased symptoms of depression
- Improved cognitive function
- More regulated moods
These are all great reasons to give it a try. It has the potential to help you sleep better, feel less stressed out, and improve your mental health. Meditation can even make you smarter.
There Is No Right Way to Meditate. Most apps will have you follow some sort of guided meditation. Many are just ten minutes long, which is great if you’re looking for quick and relaxing sessions throughout your day. You can also listen to longer programs on some apps, or make up your playlist with the app’s mix-tape style feature.
Here are 4 apps that make it easy to incorporate meditation into your daily routine:
1. Headspace
Headspace has an excellent app that makes the learning process simple and comfortable for beginners. It guides you step-by-step through breathing techniques and other beginner meditations.
This app is perfect for beginners because it provides a structured environment, and guides you through the process of meditation without overwhelming you with too much information.
2. Calm
The calm application has a variety of guided meditations that will help you discover your internal peace. They offer different types of meditations, including ‘Take 10,’ which is a quick thing that can fit into your busy schedule.
Abide, another feature of the app, gives you access to audio readings of poetry and other literature that are designed to help you reach your inner self.
3. Stop, Breathe & Think
Stop, Breathe & Think offers a range of meditations that can help you cope with stress. It also provides a ‘body scan’ that is a great resource for those who suffer from anxiety or depression.
This app comes with many features, including tools to track your mood and mindfulness exercises to take control of your thoughts. The developers have made it extremely easy for even the most novice meditators to start using the app.
4. 10% Happier
The developers of this application have made it one of the simplest to use apps on the market for people who would like a little push in their meditation journey. It provides quick, easy tools for you to get started with your training program. Many resources can help you trace your feelings and thoughts.
This app also has a ‘GPS for the mind,’ which provides activities to complete every day based on your mood and progress. It is an excellent tool for those who would like to understand their emotions better, and want a little guidance with taking control of them.
No matter what type of meditation you are interested in, these apps can help you get started. They provide simple guidance to learn the basics of beginning a it practice. These applications are all free and can be downloaded at your convenience for use on your phone or tablet device. Try one out today!