Mental Health Issues – How To Talk To Your Loved Ones About It In 2022
People who have mental health issues can find themselves in a lot of different situations. Whether their condition is mild, severe, or somewhere in between, they’re not always able to function as well as those without such conditions do. Sometimes this means that simple tasks become difficult, and sometimes it means that the person cannot perform ordinary activities at all.
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Small Problems Are Normal
Every relationship comes with its own set of problems, but mental health issues can complicate things even further. There are many times when the person experienced either a loss of control over their condition or could not cope with it well at all. This makes it difficult for them to develop intimate relationships without feeling like they’re burdening their partner by staying in the relationship.
At the same time, being with another person provides an extra way to get help if needed. One of the biggest challenges for someone who’s trying to manage their condition is taking it seriously enough so they continue to do what must be done to have a healthy life. When someone else is involved, they can provide accountability and motivation which may not be present when the sufferer is left to their own devices.
Be Open To Your Partner
The important thing for anyone who has a mental health issue is being open and honest with their partner about what it means for them, so both parties involved can have realistic expectations about how the relationship will go. There’s nothing wrong with having someone love you even though you have issues, but they can’t help if they don’t know what those issues are.
Of course, to do this the sufferer will have to be comfortable talking about their condition with others, which may not always be an easy thing for them to do. Look to see if you can find self-help books or other resources that might help to build your self-esteem so you feel more comfortable opening up.
Consider Getting Outside Help
If the person finds it difficult to even think about talking to their partner about their condition, invite them to go for counseling with you together. Sometimes having another person there helps the sufferer open up better than if they were sitting alone with someone they didn’t know well just yet.
Sometimes people with mental health issues damage their intimate relationships because of how they behave. For example, some people may become depressed or feel suicidal without letting anyone know why they’re feeling this way. Others might drink too much excessively or make impulsive decisions that can cause them to harm themselves.
While it feels scary to deal with these things when you first start, the important thing is to keep trying. Each time you realize that something is wrong with how you’re feeling, talk about it with your partner as soon as possible. You’ll find that over time they become more accustomed to your issues and can help more effectively when something’s wrong.
Not Everyone Has To Be Accepting, And That Is OK
Remember that each person has their limits when it comes to mental health problems. Some people may be able to help by providing emotional support, but they’re not qualified to do anything more than that. Others might love the person so much that they can’t leave even if they know this is very unwise for their loved one’s health.
It’s up to you and your partner what you’re both capable of doing. If you feel that your partner is being too demanding, then perhaps you could ask a friend or family member for help instead. Even if they can’t provide direct assistance to you, it’s possible that they can watch from the sidelines and make sure no one else gets hurt as a result of your mental health issues.
If your partner tells you they value you more than the condition you’re dealing with, then do your best to hold onto that. It can be difficult to believe since there are times when they may act like it doesn’t matter. But if this person truly loves you, then what matters is their actions and not just what they say on occasion.
There Can Be Downsides
Sometimes people with issues end up leaving their partners. This can be a major hurt and disappointment, and it’s easy to ask why they did it, to begin with. Make sure you get support even if your partner plays no part in your life any longer. If you can’t do this alone, consider talking to a counselor who might be able to help you through your issues.
Remember that mental health issues can affect anyone, even if they look healthy and happy on the outside. So never assume that just because someone looks fine means they don’t deal with things like depression, anxiety, or other emotional problems in their day-to-day life.
And when you’re in a relationship yourself, be mindful of the people you’re with and how strong their mental health is. Think about what you’re both willing and able to do together when it comes to helping someone who’s having a tough time. While no one will want to think about something bad happening, getting this discussion out in the open might be the best thing for everyone involved.