Iced Coffee – Are There Any Health Benefits of Drinking it in 2021?
Is iced coffee better than the regular one?
Coffee is something most of us drink every day. Some like drinking it the first thing in the morning, some like it occasionally, and some people live off of it. There are hundreds of ways to prepare coffee, but there has been a recent spike in the popularity of iced coffee. This has led to the question – are there any health benefits of drinking iced coffee?
A study conducted in 2009 showed that consuming cold beverages with a meal can slow you down. This is because stomach emptying is slowed down when food or drink is cold. Several factors affect the rate at which our stomachs digest our food, but one of them is body temperature. The study showed that drinking cold water or other cold beverages with a meal reduced the rate at which food left the stomach by around 40%. So, if you drink a cold coffee with a meal, it will keep your stomach fuller for longer and slow down your digestion. This could be an advantage if you want
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Health Benefits Of Coffee In General
The health benefits of coffee are very diverse. The most common benefit is improved energy and mental alertness after drinking it because caffeine acts as a stimulant. According to The Mayo Clinic, consuming moderate amounts of caffeine can reduce fatigue, fight drowsiness, improve concentration, enhance physical performance, aid in weight management, lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, protect against Parkinson’s disease, and help stave off the symptoms of Alzheimer’s.
Coffee can also improve your mental health, as it contains antioxidant compounds that reduce inflammation in the brain. This is most likely why people who drink coffee tend to have lower rates of depression than those who don’t. Additionally, adult women who drink caffeinated coffee are 15% less likely to develop Multiple Sclerosis.
Coffee also contains substances that reduce chronic inflammation, which is good for heart health. Drinking three or more cups of coffee per day has been linked to a 50% reduced risk of coronary artery disease drinking, while the equivalent of 4 cups per day reduces the risk of stroke by 40%. Lastly, studies have shown that people who drink two or more cups of coffee each day are 60% less likely to die from type 2 diabetes.
Iced Coffee Versus Hot Coffee
There isn’t much research on this topic, but there doesn’t seem to be too many differences between hot and iced coffee in terms of health benefits. Both drinks are good for you thanks to the caffeine, antioxidants, and other helpful compounds they contain. It is mostly just preference in terms of energy level- cold drinks tend to keep us awake better after all.
Some factors can be different when it comes to hot versus iced coffee though. For one, drinking coffee that is too hot might increase your risk of esophageal cancer. This is thought to occur because the high temperature damages the cells in your throat. However, this only seems to happen if you drink extremely hot beverages regularly – meaning once every day or more. Drinking any amount of hot coffee will not cause esophageal cancer.
On the other hand, there are some possible benefits to iced coffee. Cold water is thought to suppress our appetites more than hot water, so drinking iced coffee could make you feel fuller for a bit longer after a meal. Additionally, cold beverages can result in the slower digestion of food, which slows down your energy level. This might be a good thing if you don’t want a burst of energy during an afternoon meeting or class.
Side Effects And Risks Of Drinking Iced Coffee
Iced coffee likely poses the same health risks as hot coffee. Some research has been conducted on that very topic and it was found that there wasn’t any difference in terms of side effects when it came to hot versus iced coffee. The only risk is getting burned from the hot liquid, but you can always drink your coffee slowly.
When it comes to risks for caffeinated iced coffee drinks like frappuccinos and mochas, there has been some concern that they might increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. However, this is only if you’re eating a lot of sugary treats at the same time – sugar raises blood pressure and impairs vascular function. So no more than once per day!
Bottom Line On The Health Benefits Of Iced Coffee
Drinking iced coffee likely doesn’t pose any special risks or benefits as far as health goes. Caffeine won’t cause any problems unless you have some sort of intolerance or allergy, so enjoy yourself without worry. Just remember to take it easy on the sugar – your teeth and waistline will thank you.
If you enjoy drinking iced coffee, then there is nothing wrong with that either. You can drink up to five cups per day without any issues. Just don’t forget to drink lots of water as well! If you’re trying to lose weight, green tea might be a better option as it has been linked to even more health benefits than iced coffee ( like increased fat burning ).