Water – 6 Helpful Ways to Think About Hydration and Its Benefits

Water – 6 Helpful Ways to Think About Hydration and Its Benefits


Hydration is an important part of daily life. From your morning cup of coffee to working out at the gym, there are plenty of things that require water to do them properly. However, limiting yourself to using it for drinking or cooking can impede your overall health and wellness. Here are six ways you can use water in everyday life to improve your general well-being:


1) Drink water before and during meals. 


So many people believe that drinking while they eat will cause their stomachs to bloat and become uncomfortable; however, this is simply not the case. Drinking a glass of cool water 10 to 15 minutes before you sit down to eat can help your stomach prepare to digest your meal by releasing digestive enzymes into the small intestine. Drinking during a meal can help slow down the digestion process, allowing your body to absorb more nutrients from your food and put less strain on the pancreas.

2) Replenish electrolytes through drinking water when you exercise.


When you sweat, there are several different electrolytes, including sodium and potassium, which are lost from the body. Drinking water with a small pinch of salt added will help replace these important compounds to keep you feeling your best during your workout or athletic event.

3) Control stress levels by drinking water.


Stress creates a cascade of hormones that can leave us feeling drained, tired, and even depressed. To help keep these hormones in check, drink two cups of water before you start your day to establish a healthy baseline for your body; then drink additional water throughout the day if you feel yourself beginning to slip into the stress response.



4) Drink water throughout the workday to stay alert.


Several factors can influence our level of energy and vitality during the day; one is staying hydrated. Dehydration can cause fatigue, mood swings, poor mental function, slower reaction time, memory loss, dry skin, headaches, muscle cramps or spasms, etc.; so keeping a simple bottle of water near your desk can be just what you need to fight off unwanted symptoms until it’s time for a break.

5) Drink before and after working out to increase performance.


Not only does staying hydrated help you control stress levels, but it can also improve your athletic performance. Drinking two cups of water 10 minutes before a workout or event will help stay focused and on track; then drinking another glass one hour after the workout can replenish lost electrolytes to keep your muscles firing efficiently even when fatigued. There are dozens of additional benefits that come with drinking enough each day; these six are just the beginning! If you’re struggling to meet that goal, try adding some flavored sparkling mineralized natural spring water to your diet for an extra boost of flavor and health benefits, including: 


  • Deeply hydrating electrolytes that keep you hydrated throughout the day
  • Naturally alkaline mineralized water that balances your body’s pH levels
  • Antioxidants that help fight free radical damage in the body

6)   Avoid sugary drinks and sodas


Sugary drinks are extremely high in calories, sugars, caffeine, and other additives that may be harmful to your health; so rather than grabbing a soda or juice box during your day, opt for sparkling mineralized natural spring water instead to cut down on the amount of sugar you’re taking in with each drink.


When you set out to improve your overall wellness, hydrating properly is just one of the many changes you can make to see results both inside and out. Staying hydrated can help you feel healthier and happier, improve your athletic performance, fight fatigue, enhance memory function, keep the body balanced by maintaining proper pH levels, etc. 



Drinking is an important part of daily life, not just for drinking or cooking, but can also improve your general well-being. From working out at the gym to sitting in meetings with coworkers; there are plenty of ways you can use water to help you feel your best each day! Drinking two cups of sparkling mineralized natural spring before and after workouts or events can be especially beneficial for replenishing lost electrolytes and rehydrating the body.

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