How Much Weight Should You Lift As A Beginner? (2021)

How Much Weight Should You Lift As A Beginner? (2021)


Weightlifting is growing in popularity, but there are still many people who are not sure if they should even bother lifting. Some of the most common questions include:


  • Why do you lift?
  • What’s it going to do for me?
  • How much weight should I lift as a beginner?
  • How often should you go to the gym as a beginner?



The first thing these people need to take into account is how old they are. This is because there are different recommendations for different age groups. Most experts agree that children between the ages of 8-14 need to focus on balance, coordination, flexibility, and cardiovascular fitness rather than strength training.



However, it has been shown through numerous studies that older adolescents (15-18 years) can benefit from their sports performance if they include weightlifting in their training regimen. This can reduce the risk of injury, boost speed and power, increase bone density, improve self-esteem, and help them achieve academically.



The next thing that someone should consider before taking up weightlifting is their gender. This is because women have different needs than men when it comes to strength training. For example, women need more time to recover after a particularly strenuous workout since they are naturally smaller than men are. Moreover, male teenagers are more likely to be influenced by certain social factors when beginning a resistance program.


They will use this type of training in an attempt to increase muscle size or enhance their athletic performance on the playing field or court during their respective sport season. Women, on the other hand, are more likely to start lifting weights to stay healthy or manage their weight problems.



The next thing that someone should consider is what type of routine they will be following. If they are planning on training at a health club, they need to find one with good equipment so that they will not get bored doing the same workout every day. They also have many options when it comes to routines that can be tailored specifically for them. However, if someone is just beginning an exercise program and wants something simple until they decide whether or not this type of training is right for them, three basic lifts will help them achieve their goals:


  • Bench press
  • Shoulder press
  • Squats


These exercises are normally used as a warm-up before the actual workout begins.

weight lifting

How much should you lift as a beginner?


Finally, someone needs to ask themselves how much weight they can handle as a beginner. The general rule of thumb is that if an individual can only lift an exercise machine or bar with five pounds on it for eight to twelve reps, then they need to increase the amount of weight so that their muscles will be stimulated enough to gain strength and size.


Different parts of the body require slightly different weights, so if someone is focusing predominantly on upper body exercises, he/she should aim for three sets of six reps each. However, if most of his/her workouts involve lower body movements such as squats and leg presses, they should focus on doing three sets of eight reps each.




Weightlifting is one of the best ways to get in shape, but many people are still wary about getting started. Fortunately, there are several different ways that someone can try this type of exercise without having to go to a gym, invest in expensive equipment, or hire a personal trainer.


Regardless of why someone chooses to lift weights and how often they decide to incorporate this training into their overall fitness routine, it’s important for them not to push themselves too hard when they are just starting. This will help them stay safe while they develop the foundation necessary for doing more advanced exercises later on.

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