Emergency Kit Essentials – What You Should Have With You In 2022!

Emergency Kit Essentials – What You Should Have With You In 2022!

Emergency kits should be essential in 2022! There is a certain amount of preparation that needs to be done in order to survive a disaster or emergency. Priorities differ from person to person, but if you are going on a long trip, it is best to not forget your emergency kit essentials for your vehicle!


The Essentials


First Aid Kit


emergency kit


This should include bandages and gauze pads. It’s also good to have topical pain relief ointments such as aspirin and gels for burns and insect bites. You can add antiseptics which can be used when cleaning wounds with water. Antiseptic agents kill microbes on the skin, soothe itching due to allergies, prevent infection from spreading in cuts and scrapes, and prevent infections caused by puncture wounds made by nails or thorns. Add an instant cold compress if you want to make one after the fact.

Emergency Contact Information


If there is a medical emergency, this information will be useful for your rescuers. Keep it in your glove compartment and next to the first aid kit (and other important things like maps, flashlights, etc). A lot of people keep their family doctor’s number but if any member of your family has allergies, drugs they cannot take, or disease conditions that are exacerbated by heat/cold/dampness/dryness then it would be best to write down those details instead so they can be tagged onto the doctor’s name and number accordingly.

It should also include phone numbers for police stations and hospitals near you as well as the nearest Ranger Stations, S.P.C.A, fire department, and other emergency first response agencies in your locality for quick reference by you or anyone who may need to call them.




This includes a knife blade that has different types of attachments such as screwdrivers, can openers, etc. A multi-tool also makes it easier to cut items because it’s all one instrument so you don’t have to worry about cutting yourself with multiple knives or another object when trying to do something else with your hands, like removing debris from the road if you are stranded somewhere due to an accident.

Waterproof Matches/Lighter/Candles


Sometimes there is no electricity but emergencies will happen at any time without warning. So it’s better to be safe than sorry!

Emergency Blanket


A Mylar blanket that is draped over your body can help warm you up when you are stranded somewhere especially during the winter months. It also reflects the sun’s rays to keep you cool in the summer heat when placed underneath something with a low overhead cover like a tree, for example, or if you are trapped in your car or truck because of an accident with no shade available.

A good number of people have died from hyperthermia (overheating) so this is another item worth carrying along in your emergency kit essentials for your vehicle just in case. If you feel yourself getting too hot then immediately move into the shade or find some water and cubes to drink on with which to cool yourself off.

Tow Rope or Tow Strap


If your car breaks down or gets stuck then it’s good to have something that will help get you back on the road again. If you are on a long trip, you may need this multiple times so don’t forget your emergency kit essentials for your vehicle! It is best if they are strong enough to pull the car out of the mud but flexible enough not to snap when being pulled by another car or truck.

A tow strap is also useful in case you get stranded somewhere with no one around and need assistance from passersby who can easily stop by and drag your car out of trouble while someone else calls roadside assistance for additional help. Reflective tape should be placed on all four corners so the driver behind you can easily see it and follow your example if needed.

A Warning Triangle



If you break down anywhere on the road, it’s good to use this triangle so other vehicles can spot you and your car easily. It is also useful in case there are other vehicles broken down around you as well since people traveling through may not always be expecting anyone to be pulled over or stopped by the side of the road. You do not want another car ramming into your car because they did not see that another vehicle was already parked there.

Hammer/Window Breaker


In case there is an accident due to a collision with another vehicle then this item will come in handy especially if someone has been thrown from their vehicle during an accident and needs assistance from others. The hammer breaks the window easily while keeping both hands firmly on the steering wheel to keep you in control of your vehicle. The window breaker is located at the end of the hammer and has a pointed metalhead so it can break through windows, door locks, or even removable panels when necessary for a quick escape from a damaged car.

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