How To Take Care Of Your Elderly Parents in 2022
Detecting the earliest signs of Alzheimer’s disease is a very important issue for those caring for elderly parents.
There are many causes of dementia, some reversible and others not so much, but Alzheimer’s disease accounts for up to 60% of all cases. Early diagnosis can lead to better care and treatment outcomes. The first symptoms of this condition include memory loss and disorientation in time or place.
These symptoms may be accompanied by problems with language, comprehension, judgment, or other intellectual abilities; changes in mood or behavior; confusion about personal identity; difficulty completing familiar tasks at home or work that was once done automatically without thinking about them (for example cooking). The earlier these symptoms are detected the more likely it is there will be an effective treatment.
Gathering as much information as possible about your parent’s history and mental state will help to recognize the first signs of Alzheimer’s. Here is a checklist that might come in handy:
- Do they easily forget conversations you’ve had only moments ago?
- Are they confused about where they are, what day it is, or how long they have been somewhere?
- Are their issues related to planning, solving problems, and making judgments?
- Are they struggling to find words or names for common household objects and people?
- Have you recently noticed changes in personality such as anxiety or depression?
These questions may be helpful but should not be taken as an indicator of whether someone has dementia. The best way to know for sure is to consult a doctor.
What To Do
If you do find that your elderly parent is showing signs of dementia, there are ways you can help. The first step is to create or update a care plan. This document should list the steps that need to be taken in order to provide the best possible care for your parent. It should include contact information for all necessary people such as doctors, caregivers, family members, and friends. It’s also important to designate someone as the main point of contact who will be responsible for updating and coordinating everyone else on the care plan.
Next, make sure that your elderly parent has an adequate support system both in your area and online. There are many helpful resources available like support groups, online communities, and chat rooms (some of which are listed in the references). These places allow you to share experiences with other caregivers in similar situations. Online support can be especially useful for those who live far away from their elderly parents or have very difficult schedules.
The most important thing to remember is that it’s okay if you feel overwhelmed at times. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your family, friends, counselors, or even paid caregivers. This situation will likely get harder before it gets better but you’re not alone on this journey.
Lastly, a healthy lifestyle promotes cognitive health and well-being so try not to neglect your own mental health during this time. Make sure to eat a balanced diet, get regular exercise, enough sleep, and take time for yourself.
Detecting Alzheimer’s disease in elderly parents is a difficult task but it is very important. There are many resources available to help caregivers, both online and in person. It is important to remember to take care of yourself as well as your elderly parent. These questions may be helpful but should not be taken as an indicator of whether someone has dementia. The best way to know for sure is to consult a doctor.
Whenever your elderly parents have any issues you should consult a medical professional and follow instructions carefully as the elderly are much more sensitive.