Caregiving Children Of Seniors – 5 Awesome Things You Should Do!
Caregiving children of senior parents are more common than ever. Aging is a normal part of life. Unfortunately, it also brings with it a host of changes that can make life more challenging for you and your aging parents. The good news is there are things you can do to help ease the process while significantly improving everyone’s quality of life. Here are five things an aging parent doesn’t want from their caregiving adult children:
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Your Interference in Their Daily Routine
One thing many people don’t understand about seniors is they truly enjoy being independent. Getting out by themselves, doing their own shopping, and having freedom outside the house helps them feel young at heart. It’s also what makes them happy. An intrusion into this routine could be very upsetting or even stressful so let them have some alone time before getting together again later in the day.
You Not Accepting Their Choices When Caregiving
Perhaps your aging parents are driving too slowly or don’t want to go out to the movies anymore. It’s important for you to be sensitive to their choices and not make them feel like they’re doing something wrong. If it makes them happy, let them embrace this new stage of life on their terms. Eventually, they’ll appreciate that you appreciate who they are now instead of nagging about how things used to be.
Resentment Towards You For Not Doing Your Share
Your parents took care of you when you were a child so give the same consideration back in return as an adult. Unfortunately, one thing that can happen is resentment from either side towards each other when an adult child doesn’t feel like they’re doing their share. This is a very delicate situation so be sure to keep the lines of communication open with honest dialogue about your feelings.
Your Expectations About Their Ability to Fix or Maintain Things
If you were raised by parents who never fixed anything, it’s likely because they felt you should learn how to do things on your own without having to rely on them all the time. If it works, don’t fix it. Don’t expect them to come over and re-paint your living room wall because that’s not what they want. It’s important for you both to adjust accordingly if something needs fixing so everyone will be happy.
Not Understanding What They Deserve Help With
Sometimes it might seem like your aging parents don’t need help with anything, but that’s not always the case. They might just be too embarrassed or proud to ask for assistance. It’s important for you to pay attention to what they’re struggling with and offer your help when needed. This could be something as simple as making a run to the grocery store or taking them to their doctor’s appointments.
It’s essential to keep your parents in the loop about their care and let them make their own decisions. Instead of imposing what you think they should do, take a step back and simply offer help when it’s needed. These little things can go a long way in creating a stronger relationship with your aging parents while allowing them to age comfortably at home for as long as possible.