Can Eating Too Much on Thanksgiving Hurt Your Sex Drive? (2021 Research)
Thanksgiving is a holiday typically known for its gathering and giving thanks to family and friends. It frequently includes enjoying a big meal followed by time spent playing games, watching movies, or just relaxing together. And while this may sound like the perfect holiday to many people, it can be potentially harmful if you eat too much on Thanksgiving.
Let’s start by exploring the reasons, which ultimately come down to chemistry.
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Can Too Much Food Be Bad?
First, it’s important to realize that every food contains different amounts of “energy” in the form of various chemical compounds. The energy is required for your body to use or store the nutrients found in foods. Three macronutrients supply energy: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. The amount of energy each one provides varies. For instance, proteins provide 4 calories per gram while fats provide 9 calories per gram.
The next factor to recognize is the sheer volume of food typically consumed on Thanksgiving Day. Some holiday meals can contain more than 100 grams of fat and over 350 grams of carbohydrate! These numbers go well beyond the recommended maximum daily amount for an adult.
Without any doubt, eating too much on Thanksgiving will lead to weight gain over time. And, as we all know, extra pounds can increase your risk of heart disease and other health problems.
There is some good news, however! If you are concerned about gaining weight this holiday season, you can combat the problem by planning and exercising some self-control.
Tips for Healthy Thanksgiving Day Eating
First, don’t feel obligated to clean your plate. At any meal, stop eating as soon as you feel satisfied and before you reach the point of feeling overfull or stuffed. This is a great practice whether you’re at a Thanksgiving dinner or a fast-food restaurant.
Second, avoid the temptation of unhealthy foods. Try preparing your dishes without any butter and with little added sugar. And ask for low-sodium options when eating out at restaurants on Thanksgiving Day.
Finally, get moving! Even though it’s a holiday, you can easily find some time to be active. Play a game of touch football with your family and friends, go for a walk around the neighborhood, or just take a long walk by yourself to enjoy some peace and quiet.
These tips will help you have a happy Thanksgiving while staying on track with your health goals!
Is Overeating That Bad?
Absolutely! Overeating not only puts you at risk for weight gain but can also lead to high blood pressure and high cholesterol. And, eating too much of any food has the potential to cause stomach problems like nausea, heartburn, vomiting, and diarrhea.
According to research published by New York University, overeating does not make you feel more satisfied or full. It may lead to a higher production of hunger hormones and lower levels of satiety hormones. This means that your body will want to eat even more after you’ve overeaten!
To stay healthy during Thanksgiving, it is best to manage your food intake by following these four tips:
- Stop eating when you feel satisfied, not full.
- Don’t eat unhealthy foods like butter and sugar; instead, make your own healthier dishes at home ahead of time.
- Stay active with some fun Thanksgiving activities
- Accept that it’s okay to indulge once in a while, just don’t do it too frequently.
On Thanksgiving Day, many people overeat and gain weight over time. Remember that every Thanksgiving meal consists of three macronutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. The key to staying healthy on this holiday is self-control; stop eating when you feel satisfied, eat the right foods, and get moving with some exercise.