13 Smart Ways to Keep a Minimalist House Design
The minimalist house design is surely not a new concept. However, it’s still an awesome idea for anyone who really wants to live more simply and simply save hundreds or thousands of dollars on their home.
Simply look at any of the most popular websites today that sell minimalist furniture. Apparently, if you’re living in a tiny house, then you are definitely saving money. The less stuff you have around the more money you will save each month. And yes, this applies to your house design as well!
So how do minimalist homes work? What distinguishes them from other designs? How can they be more affordable? Let’s find out!
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Less Space Means More Savings
To start with, let’s remind ourselves that the minimal house design is not just about decluttering and removing all unnecessary stuff. It’s also a matter of space and area conservation. The main idea here is that the less space you have, the less money you’ll need to spend on its provisioning, repairs, and maintenance.
The more space you have inside your home, the harder it could get to keep everything clean. When there are old furniture pieces around, dust tends to stick faster than when there is absolutely nothing in specific places. Besides, uncluttered areas can be utilized better, allowing for additional storage or other functional furniture items (e.g., desks).
Smaller Rooms Are Easier to Heat and Cool
If you’re still not sure how this whole minimal house design can translate into more savings, then take a look at the following argument. The smaller the room, the easier it gets for your air conditioner or heating system to maintain its perfect temperature. Do you see? It has nothing to do with furniture layout or how much stuff is inside.
A Smaller Home Could Mean More Room Outside
Another often-ignored benefit of a minimalist home design is its ability to make your outdoor area feel larger and more comfortable. This can be achieved in several different ways, all leading to the same result: a well-ventilated and welcoming outdoor space, which you can’t say about homes with tiny backyards.
Structural Issues
Once again, we’re not going into specific furniture layouts or how you should divide the rooms inside your home. Instead, let’s take a look at why having fewer spaces means less likelihood that one of these rooms will develop any issue requiring a bulkier repair or renovation process. The answer here is simple: fewer rooms means fewer chances that something breaks or gets damaged. Simple as that!
More Money to Spend on Design
If you think that this whole minimal house design is just about saving money, then you couldn’t be any more wrong. Remember how we said it’s all about making the most out of what you have? Well, what better way to do that than having your home designed by an expert or interior designer who understands the true meaning of minimalist house design.
Ability to Customize Furniture
There is one final benefit of the minimalist house design: it allows you to fully customize your furniture and fit everything together perfectly. Since there’s less stuff and no useless items around, chances are that every single piece of furniture in your home will be used for its intended purpose.
More Headroom and Better Views
The final thing we wanted to mention as a benefit of the minimalist home design is the fact that these types of houses tend to have much higher ceilings than those with cluttered rooms filled with old furniture pieces. This translates into better home ventilation, allowing for cleaner air inside or outside, depending on which side you’re looking at. Plus, it also adds an extra level of freedom since you won’t need to move all the furniture every time you want to change something inside your home.
Lower Insurance Costs
This final benefit is probably one of the best out there. Remember how minimalist houses are also easier to maintain? Well, this means that they’re also safer, especially if you live in an area prone to natural disasters or other extreme weather conditions. You can definitely expect lower insurance costs compared to those required by homes that have cluttered rooms filled with lots of old wooden furniture pieces. So, never overlook this important aspect!
Save on Maintenance
There’s more than one way of using your minimalist house to your advantage, and having a lower maintenance cost is definitely one of them. As we previously pointed out, the fewer rooms there are in an area, the less cluttered it gets. And when you have fewer items around, you’ll also need to maintain them less often and thus save on various expenses (e.g., electricity bills).
Less Time Worried About Cleaning
Another final benefit of this type of home design is that it allows for easier cleaning and maintenance compared to larger houses with smaller outdoor areas which can easily become messy or dirty. This aspect may seem like nothing more than a minor detail but it does add up over time especially if you live in a large house with several rooms and lots of items around.
Less Furniture to Maintain
This one is easy to explain: the fewer items there are in a house, the less you will need to take care of and repair. The same logic which applies when talking about cleaning also applies when we’re talking about furniture maintenance. If you have nothing, then there’s nothing around for you to lose or break!
Adds Value to Your Home
We’re going back now and going over some old points. At first, some people may think that having a minimalist house is not necessarily a good thing, especially if you’re planning on selling it one day. However, if your home had fewer decorations and was filled with more items designed to be used on a daily basis (e.g., furniture which can be moved around whenever needed), then this will automatically increase its overall value.
Can Give Your Home Character
There are plenty of things that minimalist houses have in common with organized offices but there’s also one major difference: the unique character it provides to your home. If the idea of unique houses makes you happy or you feel like this aspect is important to you, then do not neglect it! By looking for inspiration online or getting creative on your own, you can make sure that your house is as unique as it can be.