7 Foods That Lower Testosterone Easily (Nutritionist Tips!)
This article discusses how certain foods affect testosterone levels.
It first looks at the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle for people with low testosterone, then moves on to a list of seven specific foods that lower testosterone. The aim is to provide information about the biological mechanisms behind this phenomenon as well as practical advice for those who want to reverse it. After reading this article, you will have an understanding of how your food choices can impact your hormone levels and what steps you can take to increase them again if need be. Testosterone is vital not only for men’s health but also their quality of life, so these insights could make a big difference in yours too!
The following are 7 common foods that may decrease your natural production!
Table of Contents
1. White Bread
White bread triggers insulin to be released. Increased levels of insulin in the body are directly correlated with decreased testosterone production. This is because insulin decreases the amount of circulating free testosterone in your blood that is available to bind to androgen receptors in cells. After all, that is what we want – to get rid of extra “free” testosterone in our bodies! A study in the Japanese Journal of Andrology even went as far as to say that “increased insulin response is negatively correlated with serum total testosterone concentration.”
2. Soy Products
The vast majority of soy products are made from genetically modified organisms (GMO). The use of GMO soybeans has been associated with decreased testosterone production. Soy products are abundant in estrogen, which can have a feminizing effect on males that consume them.
It doesn’t seem to be the same case for females though! A study even found lower levels of luteinizing hormone – which tells your body to produce testosterone – in women who consumed soy versus those who did not!
3. Milk
This one makes a lot of sense. It’s common knowledge that milk is packed with calcium, but it also contains a growth hormone called IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor). The IGF-1 found in cow’s milk has been shown to decrease testosterone production, so be sure to pass on the skim!
Milk alternatives like almond and soy contain none of these unwanted ingredients and are healthy choices instead.
4. Sugar/High Glycemic Index Foods
A high glycemic index diet over time can lead to low testosterone levels due to decreased luteinizing hormone secretion, which can lead to decreased testosterone production. Men who switch from eating high glycemic foods like white pasta and bread to eating primarily whole foods like vegetables, fruits, and legumes experience significant increases in testosterone levels.
5. Alcohol
Sorry lads, but alcohol is also to blame for decreased natural testosterone production. A long-term study found that healthy men who consumed an average of 22 drinks per week over 25 years had significant decreases in testosterone levels compared with men who did not drink at all or very rarely. Now bear in mind that this is the recommended limit (the safe limit) for both men and women – if you want to raise your T-levels get out of these bad habits!
6. Trans Fats
As if we needed another reason to get rid of processed foods from our diets…trans fats are often found in fried foods like french fries and baked goods like doughnuts. Trans fats have been found to be a factor in decreased testosterone levels, as well as increased risk for heart disease.
This is due to the increased levels of estrogen that they promote. In fact, a study by Robert H. Dickson from the University of Texas found that eating just 2 grams of trans fats per day was associated with low testosterone in otherwise healthy men!
7. GMOs
In light of recent news about GMO soybeans decreasing male fertility in monkeys, it makes sense not to eat foods made using genetically modified organisms (GMOs for short). It might be worth noting that apples are on Greenpeace’s list of the 12 most contaminated fruits and vegetables, which could also affect your T-levels if you’re eating your fruit whole (applesauce, apple butter…etc), rather than taking supplements like fruit pectin. The researchers claim it has to do with the residual glyphosate in the fruit since Roundup is one of the most common weedkillers used in agriculture. Glyphosate has been shown to decrease testosterone levels by inhibiting the activity of aromatase because it acts as an estrogen in the body.
There are a lot of factors that can make your T-levels drop below normal – stress, smoking, drinking, obesity… but diet plays a huge role too! If you’re not taking care of what you eat then you could be sabotaging your efforts for getting back into shape. Make sure you check out these 7 foods that lower testosterone to start boosting your natural production TODAY!