5 Incredible Exercises That Will Boost Your Metabolism, According to Science
Boosting your metabolism can have a lot of positive effects on your health. It can help you maintain a healthy weight, prevent diseases and keep your body in good shape.
Exercise is the best-known way to increase your metabolism, but did you know there are certain exercises that will boost it even more? Below we have compiled a list of five incredible exercises that will boost your metabolism, according to science.
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The Perfect Metabolism-Boosting Workout Plan For People Who HATE Working Out
If working out makes you feel like pulling your hair out then this plan is perfect for you! You’ll build muscle by doing weight training 2-3 times a week. You’ll also add in 15 minutes of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) 3 times a week to rev up your metabolism and burn fat.
If you’re crunched for time, it’s best to split your workouts into two separate days so you can give each muscle group the proper attention it needs. If you want to include more cardio or conditioning work, do so on Tuesdays or Thursdays after weight training.
Swimming: The Science Behind Swimming’s Incredible Metabolic Boost
If you want to burn fat faster than ever, add swimming to your weekly workout schedule. According to researchers at Loughborough University, swimming just 30 minutes three times a week adds one full day to the average person’s life span. Scientists believe that swimming revs up our metabolism for several hours after exercise, making it the perfect workout to lose weight.
Why does swimming have such a powerful metabolic effect? Scientists aren’t quite sure, but they believe it has something to do with the fact that water is more resistant than air. When you swim, there are countless tiny collisions between your body and the water every second. This puts pressure on your muscles and encourages them to contract repeatedly, which builds strength and can lead you to burn up to 500 calories per 50-minute class.
5-Minute Morning Yoga Routine Will Wake Up Your Brain And Warm Up Your Body For The Day
According to research, morning exercises can dramatically improve your mood and cognitive abilities throughout the day. It can also boost your metabolism for several hours after you’ve finished exercising.
The best morning exercises are gentle yoga poses that warm up the body and energize the mind, preventing stiffness and joint pains.
Studies have shown that morning workouts are more effective at spiking your metabolism to lose weight than evening or afternoon workouts. The 5-minute routine is an ideal way to get the metabolism boost you need without taking up too much time.
Be More Active During Your Commute To Lose Weight Faster And Boost Your Health
It’s no secret that inactivity can cause health problems, but did you know it also causes weight gain? This is because inactivity lowers your resting metabolic rate, which dictates how many calories you burn throughout the day. If you want to lose weight faster and improve your overall health, there’s no better option than to simply stand instead of sit whenever possible during your commute. Over time, this will add up and cause you to burn more calories.
Some studies have shown that standing instead of sitting for at least one hour per day can boost your metabolism by up to 50%. This is because when you stand, the weight of your skeleton exerts pressure on your muscles, which forces them to work harder. This heightens activity in your central nervous system, which causes an increase in the number of calories burned while at rest.
The best way to get a metabolism boost that will last for hours is through high-intensity interval training. According to researchers at the University of New South Wales, HIIT burns more fat in less time than traditional workouts do.
You can also boost your metabolism by swimming, doing morning yoga exercises, or simply standing up instead of sitting while you commute to work. Adding these simple activities to your weekly workout routine will help you burn calories faster and lose weight quickly without overworking yourself.