Help Senior Anxiety In These 10 Easy Ways

Help Senior Anxiety In These 10 Easy Ways

We often don’t think about seniors when it comes to anxiety. But for some seniors, the return to normalcy after a traumatic event can be difficult. Helping with these issues can lead to a better, longer, and healthier life.


What are some common causes of anxiety in seniors?


There can be many reasons for this. Some might come from earlier in life and some come with old age. If the issues are from earlier, and they are left untreated for years, they can be very traumatic for the seniors affected. There are many reasons why a senior might experience anxiety. Some common causes include:


  • Loss of independence
  • Having to depend on others for help
  • Physical changes brought on by aging
  • Changes in living situation, such as moving to a nursing home
  • Death of a loved one or friend
  • Financial difficulties
  • Facing retirement after years of work


Without further ado, here are 10 ways to help seniors with anxiety:


1. Family and Friends


Encourage spending time with friends and family after a crisis or traumatic event. Spending time with loved ones can be helpful in dealing with anxiety. In addition, socializing helps seniors live longer, healthier lives.


2 . Pets



Cultivate a pet for companionship. Pets have been shown to reduce stress, help lower blood pressure and improve moods in people with depression or dementia. Animals have also been shown to increase feelings of security and happiness in children suffering from ADHD.


3 . Having a yard


Likewise, having a house with a yard instead of an apartment can result in reduced stress levels for older adults. A home is more likely to give them the sense of space and privacy they need when trying to cope with stressful events.


4 . Sunshine and Fresh Air


When possible, get outside for some sunshine and fresh air. Exposure to natural light has been shown to improve moods and reduce stress levels. In addition, getting exercise outdoors in nature has been linked with reducing anxiety and improving mental health in seniors.


5 . Keep a routine


Try to keep a regular routine as much as possible after a traumatic event. Having some sense of normalcy can help reduce anxiety levels. Routines also provide a sense of stability and predictability, something that can be reassuring to seniors during difficult times.


6 . Avoid caffeine and alcohol


Caffeine and alcohol should be avoided when trying to ease anxiety in seniors. Caffeine can exacerbate symptoms while alcohol can lead to addiction and further mental health problems.


7 . Get organized




Seniors can reduce anxiety levels by getting organized. This includes creating a system for handling mail, paying bills, and keeping track of appointments. Having everything in order can help reduce feelings of chaos and uncertainty.


8 . Keep a journal


Writing in a journal can be helpful for seniors struggling with anxiety. It allows them to express their thoughts and feelings in a safe and confidential setting. In addition, writing has been shown to improve mental health overall.


9 . Seek professional help if needed


If the anxiety is proving too difficult to manage on one’s own, it is important to seek professional help. A therapist can provide guidance and support as well as strategies for managing anxiety.


10 . Spend time outdoors



Spending time in nature is another way to reduce anxiety levels. In addition, being around animals has been shown to have a calming effect on people suffering from anxiety or depression.




Seniors can struggle with anxiety after a major crisis or traumatic event. Doing the things mentioned above can help them cope and reduce feelings of anxiety. Always remember that if you can’t fix something yourself, contact an expert.  Anxiety disorders can be treated with proper care.


If you are struggling with anxiety, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. There are many resources available to you, and with the right treatment, you can overcome your anxiety and lead a happy, healthy life

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